Federal crimes differ significantly from state-level cases; not every defense attorney has the experience to handle them properly. A conviction can result in a lengthy prison sentence, substantial fines, and reputational harm. If you face federal criminal charges, turn to Michael Kawi Law.

Our firm has extensive experience defending individuals against federal criminal charges. Lead attorney Michael Kawi has handled over 100 federal criminal cases, achieving favorable outcomes and full acquittals at trial, a rare feat in federal court. The federal court system has also trusted Mr. Kawi to handle federal death penalty matters at the trial and appellate levels.  

When your freedom and future are on the line, you can depend on us to protect your rights. Contact our Lake County office to get started with an experienced federal criminal defense attorney.

The Experienced Choice in Federal Criminal Defense

At Michael Kawi Law, we have the skills to handle a wide range of federal crimes, including:

  • Drug Crimes—These crimes involve misdemeanor drug possession charges as well as more serious drug trafficking and manufacturing crimes that are classified as felonies.
  • Conspiracy—Generally, a conspiracy involves two or more people agreeing to engage in a crime such as drug trafficking, embezzlement, or fraud and acting in concert to commit the crime.
  • Racketeering (RICO) Violations—Racketeering occurs when organized groups conduct illegal business dealings (“rackets”) and engage in crimes such as bribery, fraud, embezzlement, extortion, money laundering, and others. Federal racketeering charges are prosecuted under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).
  • Bank and Securities Fraud—These offenses involve defrauding a bank or other financial institution by submitting false documentation to obtain a loan or other financial gains or engaging in unlawful securities schemes that harm investors, financial firms, and the markets.
  • Credit Card Fraud—Using a credit card, any similar form of credit, or credit information to make purchases, withdraw funds from an account, or obtain financial gain to avoid payment is illegal.
  • Immigration CrimesThese violations range from illegal entry into the United States to re-entry after deportation, immigration fraud, human trafficking, harboring illegal aliens, and marriage fraud. 
  • Internet CrimesThese crimes involve a wide range of illegal activities conducted over the internet, such as identity theft, hacking, phishing scams, and child pornography.
  • Firearms and Weapons ChargesThese federal offenses are centered on the possession, use, distribution, and sale of firearms and other deadly weapons, often charged as felonies. 
  • Healthcare fraud involves the intentional deception or misrepresentation to obtain unauthorized benefits from healthcare programs. It can cause significant financial losses and impact patient care.
  • White-collar crimes are non-violent, financially motivated crimes committed by individuals, businesses, or government officials, often involving fraud, embezzlement, or insider trading.

Defending against federal criminal charges can be challenging. These cases require an understanding of the federal court system and rules of criminal procedure, which differ significantly from those of Illinois courts. Notably, a conviction for a federal crime can be more severe than a state-level conviction because of the impact of the federal sentencing guidelines. Trust Michael Kawi Law to help you overcome these challenges and protect your rights at every step. 

Why Choose Michael Kawi Law Law?

Your rights and freedom are our top priority if you are under a federal criminal investigation. Although federal prosecutors have broad surveillance powers and vast resources, we have the skills and experience to level the playing field. You can depend on us to choose the best line of defense and handle all the details. Our attorneys will:

  • Conduct a thorough investigation
  • Examine the prosecution’s evidence
  • Identify and interview witnesses
  • Uncover weaknesses in the government’s case against you
  • Vigorously defend you in court

Although we are committed to winning an acquittal, we will carefully weigh the evidence and advise you of your best options. Above all, we will work to minimize the impact of the government’s case on your freedom and reputation. 

Facing Federal Criminal Charges in Illinois? Call Us Now

Being charged with a federal crime does not mean you will be convicted as long as you have an aggressive federal criminal defense attorney. As a former federal public defender who handled federal cases exclusively for years, Michael Kawi has a well-earned reputation as a fierce advocate who fights for justice. Contact our office today so we can start working on your case.